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Embedding DashCommand™

DashCommand™ was designed from the beginning to be easily embedded into your favorite CarPC, desktop, or multimedia software. With that in mind, we have provided the following command line parameters:

-nosplash This parameter disables the start-up splash screen.
-nosplashvideo This parameter disables the start-up splash video.
-demomode This parameter tells the software to be in demonstration mode when not connected to the vehicle.
-autoconnect Passing this parameter will tell DashCommand™ to automatically connect to the vehicle at startup. Without it, the user will need to click the connect button first.
-title This parameter is especially helpful for software developers that need to find the DashCommand™ window and resize it to fit in a specific location. All that you need to do is pass this parameter with a custom window title and then search for a window with the title you just set. When you find the window, you know for sure that it is the correct window because it matches the title you set.
Example: -title:"CustomFrontEndDashCommandWindowTitle"
-maximize This parameter will tell the software to maximize the window when it starts up. This does not stop the user from resizing the window after it has loaded.
-fullscreen This parameter will tell the software to start up in full screen mode. The user can still exit full screen mode through the settings screen.
-hidemousecursor This parameter tells the software to startup with the mouse cursor initially hidden.
-startindashboards Passing this parameter tells the software to start in the dashboards screen instead of the main menu.

If you have any questions or problems, or if you are a software developer looking to embed DashCommand™ into one of your applications please contact [email protected] or visit our user forum.

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